What is ‘’Academy Field’’?

Academy Field is an educational program that creates the environment, place and characters of the subject we want to learn in virtual reality and sends it to the time when the event takes place with the support of VR glasses. It allows one to personally witness historical events, places and characters. It allows us to be educated by personally meeting important characters in world history and chatting with them.

What does ‘’Academy Field’’ provide?

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For example, do you want to learn about Charles Dickens? Just put on your VR glasses and start traveling in time. In this experience that takes you to the England of the 19th century, you will step into his world by breathing the atmosphere of the period in which Charles Dickens lived. In his room equipped with realistic details, You will have the chance to listen to the important anecdotes of the author's life from his own words. While sitting at his desk, you will observe his writing rituals and experience first-hand how his works came to be. By meeting and chatting with Dickens in person, you will gain in-depth knowledge of the origins of his works and thoughts. Thanks to this interactive learning experience, "Instead of just reading a dry biography, you will enjoy gaining knowledge by touching the life of the author and seeing the world through his eyes. 


Or you may want to meet Dostoyevsky in a room, have a coffee with him and learn about his life, world view or the literary movements he used in his works.

Or you can wander around with Jane Austen in the town where she was born and raised, meet her in person and learn about her perspective on literature, the conditions under which her works emerged, and the worldview she wanted to emphasize most.


Would you like to explore the 1st World War up close? Put on VR glasses and step into this period of history. With realistic reconstructions of battlefields and the atmosphere of that moment, you will experience the devastating effects of the war in person in this experience that transports you to the years 1914-1918. You will be in the trenches with the soldiers on the fronts. "You will breathe the historical memories and see the true face of war. Now, your approach to history and knowledge is completely transformed with these unforgettable experiences with ''Academic Field''. Learning by living the past turns into a rich and interactive adventure where knowledge goes beyond just a dry encyclopedic knowledge."


Intelligent Characters

Academic Field'' also uses artificial intelligence on its characters. You will be able to ask the characters any question you want and they will answer your questions.

‘’Academy Field’’ Mission

One of the most significant advantages of Academic Field in education is its ability to make learning engaging and memorable. Instead of simply reading about historical events, students can step back in time and witness them firsthand. Complex scientific concepts can be visualized in three dimensions, providing a deeper understanding. This immersive approach not only captures students' attention but also enhances their retention of knowledge.

Thanks to these creative and impressive VR glasses experiences, education is no longer just a transfer of knowledge, but also an unforgettable adventure. Exploring the important moments of history and the world of great thinkers by experiencing it makes what is learned more fun and memorable. "This innovative approach opens the doors to those who want to experience the power of knowledge. With these opportunities that open a window to the past while exploring the future, the learning process is enriched even more."

Virtual reality (VR) technologies offer an unforgettable experience for history buffs. Thanks to these technologies, users can experience important moments of history as if they were there. For example, they can explore the ancient Roman Empire, witness the construction of the Egyptian pyramids or relive the stunning battle scenes of the Second World War. VR enriches the learning experience by offering a deeper look into the past, while making history lessons more fun and interactive. As we dive into the fabric of history in this way, the magic and significance of the past becomes better understood.


Watch videos of our project

Charles Dickens

Presentation of Charles Dickens’ room:

Meeting with Charles Dickens 360VR:


Presentation of Dostoyevsky room :

Jane Austen


Our Team

Muhammet Serhat KARAMAN – English Language and Literature

Muhammed Taylan ERSİN – Computer Engineer


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